FLASH NEWS >>> Notes, Research and Review Articles are Invited for Publication in DECEMBER, 2024,  12 Volume 4 Issue. Peer Reviewed International Journal



ISSN No.: 2320-0898 (Print); 2320-0928  (Electronic)


Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science

(An International Peer Reviewed Chemistry Journal)


Editor in Chief: Dr. K.S.V. Krishna Rao


Chemical Abstracts Service CODEN: IJACKX



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Publication Ethics

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Journal Quality Indicator India

 (Score 0.208 )

Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science (IJACS) is  a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly under the erudite guidance of national and international experts culled from different fields of Chemistry and is produced by KROS Publications and Yogi Vemana  University.


IJACS is an international research journal, devoted to promote research in all branches of the theory & practice in Chemical Science. IJACS publishes the recent advancements (manuscripts of research and review articles, mini-reviews, Notes/Short Communications) on the original work, either theoretical or experimental in the following areas;

Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Nuclear and Radio Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biochemical Sciences, Material Chemistry, Geochemistry, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Oil and gas Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry.

All contributions shall be rigorously refereed and selected on the basis of quality and originality by duly considering their contemporary relevance.




The ‘Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science’ IJACS, is refereed journal and is aimed to publish advanced research work of Chemical Science in the form of Notes, short communications, research articles and reviews.

   We follow a strict double-blind reviewing of the submitted works, which we promise to conceal always the identity of both the reviewers and the author from each other

News & Events

Notes, Communications, Research and Review articles invited for publication

12 Volume,  4  Issue-2024

Deadline for Manuscript Submission:

30th NOVEMBER, 2024

The Editor of the journal ‘Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science‘,  IJACS, do not  necessarily agree with the views expressed in the matter published herein.

The Editor does not claim any responsibility, liability for statements made, opinions expressed by authors, and financial matters of publication.

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Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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